Sustainable travel means for tourism to flourish through respect for people and places, by engaging in an intercultural exchange with the communities, and protecting the natural environment: traveling as a means of co-creating mutually beneficial experiences.

At Cultura Viajera we team with tour operators who work under international ethics and fair trade standards.

We prioritize businesses, lodgings and services who are committed to reducing environmental impact, who offer opportunities and social services to host communities and who conserve their cultural heritage and traditional values.

The UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism
Organization) defines “sustainable tourism” as:

“Tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities”.

As a fundamental frame of reference for responsible and sustainable tourism, the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key-players in tourism development. It aims to help maximise the sector’s benefits while minimising its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe. It was adopted in 1999 by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.

Within this Code of Ethics, there are valuable tips for responsible travelers. We believe they are a great starting point to reflect and act upon, in our road to creating a respectful, loving Cultura Viajera (Travel Culture).


Honour your hosts and our common heritage
Experience and respect all that makes a tourism destination different and unique, from its history, architecture, religion, dress, and communication codes, to its music, art, and cuisine.
Protect our planet
Reduce your environmental impact by being a guardian of natural resources. Respect wildlife and their natural habitats. Animal attractions may imply cruelty.
Suppert the local economy
Buy locally made handcrafts and products. Respect livelihoods of local artisans by paying a fair price.
Travel safely
Take health and safety precautions and consult your national authorities in case of doubts. Read the small print in visa requirements and your travel insurance.
Be an informed traveler
Choose tourism operators with environmental policies and community projects. Observe national laws and regulations. Follow the rules at religious sites and respect “private spaces”. Observe human rights and protect children from exploitation.
Use digital plataforms wisely
Before embarking on your travels, browse online reviews and blogs. Provide honest reviews upon your return and promote your travel experiences on social media. Advocate for non-profit and community projects you have learned about.

We support the 17 sustainable development
goals (SDGs) to transform our world: