Solo traveling is on the rise throughout the western world with an amazing and ever growing percentage of female solo travelers. Solo travel is a very popular category in post-Covid searches and plans, and most travelers dream of hitting the roads and airports more than ever before as soon as it is safe.
But why do they choose to go it alone?
- For lack of like-minded people to travel with
- To be free regarding schedules and activities
- As a stress-relief strategy, to reconnect with themselves and recharge batteries
- For the thrill of creating strong bonds with fellow travelers on the road, as well as locals
Most solo travelers are younger than 40 but the over 50s are increasingly opting for going solo.
Their biggest complaint as a collective is that the world of tourism does not include them: single rates are much higher, there are no small group packages for solo travelers, travel agencies simply ignore them…
But at Cultura Viajera we love them! We’ve been female solo travelers! We understand what it means, we make safety a priority, we do our best to get good value for money, we know where it is best to go with a specialized guide, we have great tips to offer.
At Cultura Viajera we strongly support tourism that is friendly towards solo travelers. Above all, tourism that is friendly, safe and welcoming for female solo travelers.

Slow travel is an approach to travel. It’s the outlook that the quality of your experience is more important than the quantity of your experiences. It relies on being present and connected to many layers: local people, culture, food, music, spirituality.

At Cultura Viajera we hope the day will soon come when we won’t need to say we’re a gay-friendly travel agency. The day when humans will have evolved so as to respect and enjoy diversity.

Taking the full trip, or just a stretch, in a small group led by a specialist may afford you the best of both worlds: the comfort of a private tour including alone time to do as you please, plus company to share experiences, a chance to meet like minded people and the support of a private guide.